The Heavy Highland Athleics

  • The Stone Puts

    Open Stone and Braemar Stone

    Pick up a stone, throw it as far as you can. That’s the basics of stone putting. The specifics are more intricate.

    The Braemar Stone is 20-26 lbs for men & 13–18 lbsfor women. Athletes throw from a planted position, don’t move your feet or you’ll foul and the score won’t count.

    The Open Stone is 16–22 lbs for men & 8–12 lbs for women. Athletes throw this stone similar to shot-put with movement inside the Tirig. All throwing styles are allowed so long as the stone is put with one hand with the stone resting cradled in the neck until the moment of release.

  • Hammer Throws

    The Light Hammer and Heavy Hammer

    The Scottish hammer events are similar to the hammer throw in modern-day track and field competitions, though with some differences.

    In Highland Games, we use a round metal ball, weighing 16 lbs (light) or 22 lbs (heavy) for men, or 12 lbs (light) or 16 lb (heavy) for women, attached to the end of a plastic or wooden shaft about 4 feet in length. With the feet in a fixed position, the hammer is spun around one's head and thrown for distance over the shoulder.

    Some people use spikes on their boots to get better rotational velocity.

  • Weights For Distance

    Heavy Weight and Light Weight For Distance.

    Take a weight put it on a short chain and throw it.

    We throw 2 different weights. Light Weight For Distance at 28 lbs for men and 14 lbs for women and Heavy Weight For Distanc 56 lbs for men, 42 lbs for masters men, and 28 lbs for women.

    Most people spin, since they get better distance and in this game the longest throw wins.

  • Caber


    Pick up a telephone pole. Toss it end over end. Most accurate throw wins. Caber toss is most popular event at the Highland Games.

  • Weight Over Bar (WOB)

    Weight over the bar / Weight for Height.

    In WOB you take a heavy weight, attached to a ring, and throw it with one hand, over a bar above your head. The weights are 56 lbs (men), 42 lbs(masters men), 28lbs (women)

    Each athlete is allowed three attempts at each height. Successful clearance of the height allows the athlete to advance into the next round at a greater height.

    The competition is determined by the highest successful toss with fewest misses being used to break tie scores.

    “He/ She / They Had The Height” is a favorite crowd chant

  • Sheaf

    A bundle of “straw” or other filling weighing 20 pounds (9.1 kg) for the men and 10 pounds (4.5 kg) for the women and wrapped in a burlap bag is tossed vertically with a pitchfork over a bar

    The progression and scoring of this event is similar to the Weight Over The Bar.